Wrist and Forearm Splint


Wrist And Forearm Splint

Wrist and forearm splints are designed to immobilize and provide firm
and comfortable support to the hand and wrist in various orthopedic
conditions. They maintain the wrist in the functional position.This
splint from Tynor is made of PUF fused fabric that is breathable, and
hence comfortable. It has removable aluminium splints that offer a
customised fit and good grip. They also make it possible to achieve the
required degree of dorsi-flexion. The long length of the brace ensures
enhanced immobilisation. The brace also allows free finger movement. The
hook loop closures ensure optimal compression, and make application and
removal easy. It has a built-in opening for thumb abduction that offers
better pain relief and ensures that the thumb remains relaxed.


  • Wrist & Forearm Splint Right/Left
  • Brand: Tynor
  • Type: Wrist Braces
  • For Unisex
Braces & Support Details:

  • Purpose Bone & Joints Relief
  • Physical Measurements

  • S: 12.5 – 16.3cm
  • M: 16.3 – 20 cm
  • L: 20 – 23.8 cm
  • XL: 23.8 – 2
